Ardys Russakis serves as the division's representative on this university wide taskforce: More Inclusive TU – The Path to Equity and Diversity. The task force has now met for the third time and some great progress has been made.
• Some of the work has included an examination of current efforts on diversity and inclusion in higher education, best practices, and a close look at TU's student, faculty and staff data aggregated by race, gender, and social-economic measures.
• The task force is creating a Vision Statement and a list of critical elements that are required to achieve the vision. This shared vision of equity and diversity at TU is to be used to help guide the strategic planning by establishing a clear picture of the desired future state as a healthy and richly diverse community.
• As a reminder from my last updated—the task force is creating a comprehensive five-year strategic plan, which will be ready to execute in fall 2019.
• Finally, if you are interested in some of the types of readings and topics the task force is discussing, here is a link to Huffington Post articles.
David Brasington has joined a pool of facilitators, made up of current TU staff from across campus, for TU's Intergroup Dialogue—face-to-face facilitated conversation between members of two or more social identity groups that strive to create new levels of understanding, relating, and action. This semester, he will co-facilitate on the topic of Gender in the College of Education’s “Teaching and Learning in a Diverse Society.” LEARN MORE