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August 2017

Message from the Vice President

In a few weeks, TU students will start their fall semester at TU. For about 2,700 students, this will be their first year of college. For some of us, this is a very distant memory while for others it just might seem like last year. There are numerous ways to volunteer, especially on move-in day on 8/24. I would encourage you to participate. If you can’t volunteer, then hopefully you will be able to participate in one of the three breakfasts we are having in August with University Advancement. Finally, I encourage you to attend the Battle for Greater Baltimore Football game.

We had some kudos from the Department of Labor Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) regarding one of our projects and this is good to hear. The work we do on behalf of the state in many instances helps the state perform its functions more efficiently or provides insight from an unbiased organization like ours on questions and issues that the state faces every day.

We should all feel proud of the great work we do within the Division.

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Project Updates

Last month we introduced the FY18 Funding by Source graphic providing a high level overview of the divisional budget. This month we are taking a closer look at what makes up our projected FY18 grants and contracts revenue. The graphic shows contract revenue by client. Three-fourths (76%) of our revenue come from State Government. Nearly one fourth (21%) come from MDOT and three of its business units. 20% of the work is comprised of speculative, miscellaneous engagements, and contracts less than $100,000. In FY18 the largest contract is $1.5M and the smallest is $600.00. Next month we will take a deeper look at grant and contract work.

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Click here to see full graphic

TU Incubator Updates

Since 2007, TU Incubator has grown to 30+ member companies and now supports the largest cluster of edtech companies in Maryland. Eight industry experts recently joined our growing Mentor Network to help guide and support our growth. Recent new members include:

• Nepris—Online virtual platform that connects curriculum, industry expertise and classroom needs to engage students in STEAM and inspire them to pursue STEAM careers.

• Steppingblocks—The digital career counselor, providing data analytics and resources to help students and counselors make intelligent, informed college and career decisions.

• LyfLynks—The first comprehensive solution to caregiving in the US marketplace. Our platform combines web and call center technologies delivering an active tool for the caregiver of aging adults.

IT Updates

Microsoft Office Outlook Tip: Accepting Meetings When creating a meeting in Outlook, if the invitee accepts the meeting, but clicks “do not send a response,” the tracking information for the Meeting Organizer does not update to accepted. Their response is tracked as “none.” To make sure you are counted as attending the meeting click the accept ribbon and be sure to click either "Edit the Response before Sending" or "Send the Response Now."

Support TU

Brian DeFilippis, Vice President for University Advancement, is planning three breakfast meet-ups this August to share information about the work of his division and to learn more about our individual passions. Plan to join us for coffee, bagels, and conversation.

Division of Innovation and Applied Research
Towson University
8000 York Road, Towson MD 21252

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