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Apostrophes - Post Test


To see how well you have learned the rules of apostrophe use, complete the POST TEST below.  There is no checklist of answers for the POST TEST.  Instead, you are to have your response checked by the Writing Support Program office.

If the results of your POST TEST indicate that you need more work in some area of this chapter, the Writing Support Program office will direct you to additional material.  If you do well on the POST TEST, the Writing Support Program office will tell you that you have satisfactorily completed the unit.

POST TEST Directions: Look at the sentences below.  Change each underlined noun to the correct possessive form.  Place apostrophes clearly.

You must print out a copy of this original page to complete the Post Test. Make your corrections right on the text; then bring your completed Post Test to the Writing Support Program office for evaluation and review so that you can take the final test in the office.

Link to Printable Post Test


1.  The food delivered for all of the oxen was destroyed for fear of contamination.

        The ________________ food was destroyed for fear of contamination.

2. The spinach belonging to Popeye was stolen by Bluto.

         _________________ spinach was stolen by Bluto.

3.  The promises made by the politician were quickly forgotten after the campaign

        The ______________________ promises were quickly forgotten after the campaign.

4.  The owner of the green Ford also owns a pink Cadillac.

        The green _______________ owner also owns a pink Cadillac.

5.  The texture of the mashed potatoes was lumpy.

        The mashed __________________ texture was lumpy.

6.  The answer of the second contestant did not satisfy the judges.

         The second _____________________ answer did not satisfy the judges.

7.   The team forfeited the game because of the bad behavior of several players.

        The team forfeited the game because of several _______________ bad behavior.

8.   After three days, the decision of the jury was handed to the judge.

         After three days, the _______________ decision was handed to the judge.

9.   How much snow we will get is the guess of anybody.

         How much snow we will get is _________________ guess.

10.  The long speech given by the senator put us to sleep.

          The __________________ long speech put us to sleep.

To reach the Writing Support Program, contact

Margaret L. Benner
Director, Writing Support Program
English Department
Towson University 


Copyright © 2000 1978  Margaret L. Benner All rights reserved.

For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

copyright  ©2011 Towson University, Writing Support Program. All rights reserved.