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Printable post Test Passage - Apostrophes

Directions:  Change each underlined noun to the correct possessive form.  Place apostrophes clearly.


1.  The food delivered for all of the oxen was destroyed for fear of contamination.
The ________________ food was destroyed for fear of contamination.

2. The spinach belonging to Popeye was stolen by Bluto.
_________________ spinach was stolen by Bluto.

3.  The promises made by the politician were quickly forgotten after the campaign
The ______________________ promises were quickly forgotten after the campaign.

4.  The owner of the green Ford also owns a pink Cadillac.
The green _______________ owner also owns a pink Cadillac.

5.  The texture of the mashed potatoes was lumpy.
The mashed __________________ texture was lumpy.

6.  The answer of the second contestant did not satisfy the judges.
The second _____________________ answer did not satisfy the judges.

7.   The team forfeited the game because of the bad behavior of several players.
The team forfeited the game because of several _______________ bad behavior.

8.   After three days, the decision of the jury was handed to the judge.
After three days, the _______________ decision was handed to the judge.

9.   How much snow we will get is the guess of anybody.
How much snow we will get is _________________ guess.

10.  The long speech given by the senator put us to sleep.
The __________________ long speech put us to sleep.


For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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