TU Osher News & Notes

How old is too old?

I think a lot about age and aging. Maybe it’s a by-product of my job working with older adults, but it’s hard not to think about when the people in our Osher program range from 50 to 100. I truly don’t know how old someone is unless they tell me. In those instances when someone does reveal their age, I’m often shocked to find that they are older than I would have guessed. I’ve had to disabuse myself of some of my previous thinking about getting older. Ageism is a thing that we all fall prey to because it’s so ingrained in our culture. We’re told in so many ways that “young” is good and “old” is bad. Celebrities, politicians, and just regular people can’t escape the effects of ageism. We all have judgments about how old is too old to do certain things. How old is too old to wear blue nail polish? How old is too old to be driving? How old is too old to run as a presidential candidate? A week or so ago, following the infamous Trump-Biden debate, Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on CNN and was asked to comment on the competency of Joe Biden and Donald Trump vis-à-vis their ages. I loved the irony of seeing Fauci, 83, older than both Biden and Trump, being the arbiter. What he said boils down to something we all know but sometimes forget—when it comes to aging, it’s different for everyone. We can’t make assumptions based on age alone. Ashton Applewhite writes in her book, “This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism” that one can “line up a random bunch of seventy-year-olds and it’ll be very hard to believe they share a birth year.” Sure, some people shouldn’t wear blue nail polish anymore, but it isn't due to their age. Check yourself when you use age as the sole criteria to judge someone’s capabilities—especially when that someone is you.

Stay safe and healthy,

image name

Tracy Jacobs


Membership is required for enrollment in fall and spring courses. The 2024-25 Membership year runs from July 1, 2024–June 30, 2025. You may have received emails reminding you to renew your membership. Please follow the instructions in the email to renew. Registration will be simplified for you if you have already renewed or joined before the registration period starts.


Osher Town Hall Info Session


  • Friday, August 2—Fall Catalog: We will post the fall 2024 online on the TU Osher website.
  • Monday, August 5—Preview of Fall Classes: Learn about the upcoming fall courses from the instructors themselves during the online preview launching 2 p.m. on August 5.
  • Tuesday, August 6—Registration Opens: Register for fall courses!


Find out what classes are coming up this fall. The full online catalog and online preview will be available in early August, but it's not too soon to plan ahead!


The Towson University Alumni Relations department invites Osher members and others to participate in their upcoming travel programs.

  • The Wonders of Morocco: March 4–14, 2025
  • National Parks & Lodges of the Old West: June 6–14, 2025
  • Costa Rica: Exploring the Riches of the Rainforest, Arenal Volcano, and Pacific Coast: February 7–15, 2026


Give to Osher at Towson University

Support Osher at Towson University. Your tax-deductible contribution helps to provide a rich experience for our members and a vibrant, affordable program for years to come.

Donate online through the link below. If you prefer to donate by check, please make check payable to “Towson University Foundation, Inc.” and note Osher fund in the memo line. Mail to: Towson University Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 17165, Baltimore, MD 21297-0219.

If you would like to honor a friend or loved one with a donation in their memory, please consider supporting Osher at Towson University with a gift to the Osher Excellence Fund.


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Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson MD 21252

osher@towson.edu | 410-704-3535

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