TU Osher News & Notes

What Goes Up

Illustration of a grochery store

What is that look on my face lately? It’s called sticker shock! You may not have detected it because just about everyone is walking around in the same stupor caused by rising inflation. Even tweens are recalling the good old days when things were much less expensive. Former Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, wrote in his “New York Times” op-ed that surging inflation won’t cause us to return to the bad old days of the ‘60s and ‘70s, so calm down everyone! Economic principles are doing their thing and intellectually, we may be able to understand it, but at the supermarket checkout it’s another story altogether. For years and years, I’ve had a strange phenomenon that happens when I’m in line. As each barcode is scanned and item gets bagged, my temperature rises until I’m a puddle of sweat. I chalk it up to the mind-body connection getting a good laugh at my expense as I part with my hard-earned cash. But what is going to happen as the prices and temperatures get higher and higher this summer? I may just self-combust! I hope you and your loved ones don’t ever have to witness this event. It might be over in the blink of any eye—a poof followed by the P.A. system blaring “clean up at register 5.” So, as the other necessities in life go up, the good news in all of this is that Osher’s yearly membership, summer program, and fall semester course registration pricing will stay the same for the time being. I wouldn’t want anyone else who suffers from my strange affliction to melt or ignite in flames after all.

Stay safe and healthy,

image name

Tracy Jacobs

Renew Your Osher Membership Today!

View from the window of the airplane at the sunrise

The Osher 2022-2023 Membership Year begins on July 1. Make sure you renew or join today! As a membership institution, membership dues are important to keeping our program going. Osher membership allows you to take our courses and lectures as well as participate in book clubs and writing groups.

If you are are a TURFA member, and Edenwald resident, or a Charter Osher member, please contact osher@towson.edu to learn more about renewing your membership.

Osher 2022 Summer Lecture Series

Join us this summer for presentations on a variety of topics. In-person lectures will be taking place in the auditorium at Edenwald Senior Living in Towson. Those presentations will be livestreamed via Zoom for participants who are out of the immediate area or who wish to view from home. Each lecture will be around 90 minutes, including Q & A.

Registration for the Osher 2022 Summer Series is a flat rate of $45 per person for the entire series. Membership is not required to participate, so bring a friend!

View Descriptions and Register

Tiger Pride: Resources for LGBTQIA+ students and allies

Rainbow flags

Towson University committed to providing a welcoming, safe space for all students.

Baltimore’s First Glass Exhibit Since 1996 ends soon

Glass piece by Michael Janis

Coppin State University Presents

Fired Up! Glass Art Exhibit

Closes on June 18
James Weldon Johnson Auditorium Gallery

Osher at Towson University member and instructor, Howard Cohen is co-curator of this exhibition which features the work of 10 leading Mid-Atlantic glass artists: Chul Hyun Ahn, Anthony Corradetti, Oletha DeVane, John Henderson, Michael Janis, Emily Lamb, Tim McFadden, Soledad Salamé, Dr. Joyce J. Scott, Tim Tate, and Erwin Timmers.

This exhibition is part of the 2022 American Ceramic Society’s Glass and Optical Materials Division (GOMD) Conference.

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Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson MD 21252

osher@towson.edu | 410-704-3535

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