TU Osher News & Notes

The Games People Play

Tennis ball in the water

Until a couple of years ago I had never heard of pickleball. An avid tennis player in adulthood, I recoiled at the idea of such a thing. If you think I’ve changed my mind, I haven’t. Lest you think I’m a purist, I’m not. It’s just that I have a brand-new sport that I’m excited to tell you about: Spitball™! Like pickleball, Spitball™ was invented out of necessity on an island—that is where the comparisons end. Over the Memorial Day Weekend, Spitball™ was born. Invented by one dad, his friend, and the dad’s two daughters (ages 7 and 9), this sport has already gained in popularity—going from four players to six in just one day. Spitball™ is played with tennis racquets and tennis balls on a tennis court, but it is not tennis. In fact, it might even ruin your tennis game. Nevertheless, it is a ton of fun! The game gets its name from the sopping wet tennis balls and the puddles that remain on the court after a heavy rain. Originally played without a net, the game evolved after the groundskeeper put the net up on the tennis court. The ball is served while soaking wet and the server can be anywhere on their side of the court or even slightly off the court—it doesn’t matter. It also doesn’t matter if the serve lands in the service box. Why confine yourself!? What does matter is that the server must name the serve aloud prior to serving the ball. For example, serve names included “the salty mermaid,” “the titanic tinkler,” “the piranha,” “the peg leg,” and the “typhoon.” Anything goes in terms of getting the ball over to the other side. Over the net. Under the net. Around the net. The ball can bounce once. It can bounce twice. But why stop there? A point is scored when the ball comes to a dead stop on the court, or by the fence, or on the courtside bench. It is a sport that in its brief history has changed to meet the demands of its players. I am one of those players and perhaps someday you will be too. Like most other celebrated sports, some of life’s greatest lessons come simply from playing. Spitball™ has taught me that sometimes it’s necessary and just more fun to make things up as you go.

Stay safe and healthy,

image name

Tracy Jacobs

Renew Your Osher Membership Today!

View from the window of the airplane at the sunrise

The Osher 2022-2023 Membership Year begins on July 1. Make sure you renew or join today! As a membership institution, membership dues are important to keeping our program going. Osher membership allows you to take our courses and lectures as well as participate in book clubs and writing groups.

Summer Lecture Series
in July and August

View from the window of the airplane at the sunrise

The Osher Summer Lecture Series will be taking place in July and August. Please keep an eye on your inbox and this newsletter for information on individual lectures that will span a variety of topics. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

News at TU

Terry Carbonell

Flight Path

Learning to fly changed Terry Carbonell ’81 forever. Now she’s using her passion for aviation to transform others’ lives.


illustrated word games like Wordle, hangman and crossword puzzles

Office Hours: Word Games

Chris Cain, chair of the Department of English, explains why they endure.


Graphs over a stack of money

Eye on the Economy: An Interactive Look at Maryland and the Regional Economy in April 2022

Maryland’s job growth between March and April was very poor compared to the rest of the country. In fact, Maryland was one of only eight states that lost jobs. All other Mid-Atlantic states added jobs, putting Maryland last among its neighbors and 45th in the nation.


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