TU Osher News & Notes

New Year, New You

Notebook with 2023 Goals

It’s that time again. Time to see how long we can keep those New Year’s resolutions that we just made mere days ago. The start of the year is an excellent time to try to do those things that you have been pushing off—losing weight, exercising more, drinking less, drinking more water, reading more, being an overall better person. I do think, however, that it’s completely unrealistic to start your chosen resolutions on Day 1, especially when January 1 is a Sunday. While I’m not one to tell other people how to determine their New Year’s resolutions, I do think it’s helpful if they are realistic, attainable, and sustainable. To avoid the trap of being overzealous, you may choose not to make any resolutions at all. That’s one tactic. Sometimes, however, you just need to determine some small, achievable goals so that you can bask in the sense of accomplishment and get motivated to tackle the harder things. One year, I resolved to talk like Foghorn Leghorn. Turns out I could not sustain speaking like a Southern cartoon rooster for more than a few minutes. Another year, I thought that instead of making the tried-and-true resolution to lose weight, I would resolve to not stand next to very thin people. Again, not so easy, because despite my better judgment, I’m actually good friends with some very thin folks. Then there was the year that I resolved to watch more Netflix and to drink more alcohol. Despite how achievable this sounds, I didn’t do such a great job on this one either. There must be a lesson somewhere in all of this. In 2023, I resolve to figure out just what that lesson could be. In the meantime, I hope that the new year is full of great things for you and yours!

Stay safe and healthy,

image name

Tracy Jacobs

Osher 2023 Winter Lectures

Enjoy the Osher 2023 Winter Lectures from the comforts of home. Each of the free lectures will take place online via Zoom. Please note that there is one afternoon start time (February 22) and the others are all scheduled in the morning. You must register for each lecture separately to receive the Zoom link.

Heatwole Shank

Billie Holiday—Lady Sings the Blues

Seth Kibel, Wednesday, January 11 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom
There is no greater tragic heroine in the history of jazz than Billie Holiday. Her story is legend, from her impoverished childhood on the streets of Baltimore to her struggles with addiction to her eventual early demise. Attendees will listen to and watch her sing, putting her music in context with her sad and troubled personal story.

Seth Kibel is one of the Mid-Atlantic's premier woodwind specialists, working with some of the best bands in klezmer, jazz, swing, and more.


Spring 2023 is on the horizon—
Classes start March 6

Spring 2023 semester will take place March 6–31 (Session I), and April 10–May 5 (Session II). Class will not be held April 3–7. Schedule subject to change.

View Spring At-A-Glance Schedule (PDF)

Online Film Festival

Legacy Film Festival on Aging

January 6–15, 2023

The mission of this online film festival is to inspire, entertain, and educate intergenerational audiences about the variety of later life experiences—the triumphs and challenges. Following many of the individual films, there are brief pre-recorded interviews with the filmmakers.


Give to Osher at Towson University

Support Osher at Towson University. Your tax-deductible contribution helps to provide a rich experience for our members and a vibrant, affordable program for years to come.

Donate online through the link below. If you prefer to donate by check, please make check payable to “Towson University Foundation, Inc.” and note Osher fund in the memo line. Mail to: Towson University Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 17165, Baltimore, MD 21297-0219.

If you would like to honor a friend or loved one with a donation in their memory, please consider supporting Osher at Towson University with a gift to the Osher Excellence Fund.

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Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson MD 21252

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