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Sentence Combining - Post Test Answer Sheet

DIRECTIONS:  Print out this sheet; write all answers on it.  After you have printed out this answer sheet, go back to the original post test to see the sentences you should combine and specific directions for combining.


 1. The woman standing


2. After the senator


3. Although Mr. Smith


4.  While the senator


5.  Driving her


6.  Clearing his


7.  The money deducted


8.  Because

9.  Mr Jones, our

10.  Mr. Maxwell's

11.  After

12.  People who

13.  When

14.  Because

15.  Glancing

16.  The three-count

17.  Bitterman, a

18.  When Bob Denver played

19.  After selling

20.  Human beings

For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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