Pronoun Case - Post Test


To see how well you have learned to use correct pronoun case,  complete the POST TEST below.  There is no answer key for the POST TEST.  Instead, you should have your response checked by the Writing Support Program office.

If the results of your POST TEST indicate that you need more work in some area of this chapter, the Writing Support Program office will direct you to additional material.  If you do well on the POST TEST, the Writing Support Program office will tell you that you have satisfactorily completed the unit. 

You must print out a copy of this original page to complete the Post Test. Make your corrections right on the printout. Then bring your completed Post Test to the Writing Support Program office for evaluation and review so that you can take the final test in the office.

Link to Printable Post Test

Part I - Directions:  Circle the correct pronoun in each sentence below.

1.  You asked both the other team and ( we    us    ourselves ) the wrong question.

2.  ( Who    Whom ) is the best person for the job?

3.  Do not rub any oil on ( he    him    himself ) and ( I    me    myself ).

4.  Just between you and ( I    me    myself ), Greg will lose a lot of cash in that investment.

5.  Choose ( who    whom ) you want for the position.

6.  The best woman for the job is ( she    her    herself ).

7.  You gave ( we    us    ourselves ) students a real surprise with that test.

8.  Sarah makes more money than ( he    him    himself ).

9.  ( She  Her    Herself ) and ( I    me    myself ) will try to install the new memory chip.

10.  I care for Charles, but I like you as much as ( he    him ).


Part II - Directions: Substitute the appropriate pronoun for the underlined noun in each sentence.  Write each answer on the line following each sentence.

1.  With Max and Jane on the team, we'll win easily.  __________

2.  The police gave Jen and her friends a speeding ticket.  __________

3.  The prize money was evenly split between Tom and me.  __________

4.  Harold's dancing is very graceful.  __________

5.  A man with the same job makes more money than Rose.  __________