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You're/ Your - Exercise 2

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. The clerk said that (   ) gift may be wrapped.

2. What are (   ) intentions?

3. People are asking whether (   ) planning to come to the party.

4. Jennifer considers herself (   ) best friend.

5. If (   ) going to act that way, I'm leaving.

6. Please write (   ) name on the top of the paper.

7. We're all hoping that (   ) feeling better.

8. We're all hoping that (   ) headache is less troublesome today.

9. Is it true that (   ) not going to France this summer?

10. Fewer people are needed now that (   ) here.


For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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