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Verbs of Being, Linking Verbs, and Action Verbs- Exercise 4

Directions:  Identify the subject and predicate for each sentence.  Then identify the verb type as linking,action, or being.

Type your answers into the boxes below the sentence. When you are finished, click  the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.
Note:  Include auxiliary (helping) verbs when identifying predicates.

1.  Her presence would have been a constant reminder of the accident.

subject =
predicate =
type =

2.  Harry's sister can sing beautifully.

subject =
predicate =
type =

3.  Junior smelled the coffee beans from Brazil.

subject =
predicate =
type =

4.  One gymnast sustained a painful injury to her left shoulder.

subject =
predicate =
type =

5.  The two horses are looking quite uncomfortable in the small van.

subject =
predicate =
type =

6.  After a great deal of searching, I finally found your sweater in the hamper.

subject =
predicate =
type =

7.  Why do his threats sound so scary?

subject  =
predicate =
type =

8.  Upon his arrival, the landlord became quite upset about the leaking pipe.

subject =
predicate =
type =

9.  There are two pictures hanging on the front wall.

subject  =
predicate =
type =

10. Are all of your friends at the mall today?

subject =
predicate =
type =

11. In the warm weather, the milk on the counter turned sour.

subject =
predicate =
type =

12.  With her sharp mind and quick wit, the Thompsons' youngest daughter may be a genius.

subject =
predicate =
type =

13.  In spite of the offer of help, the jury still felt helpless about the large amount of conflicting evidence.

subject =
predicate =
type =

14.  Even after many years, the boy remained in Angora with his parents.

subject =
predicate =
type =

15.  On the other hand, Monday seems like a good day for a parade.

subject =
predicate =
type =



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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