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Then / Than - Exercise 4

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. Mildred went to the park and (   ) to the movies.

2. Eating broiled seafood is more healthful (   ) eating fried seafood.

3. If the parents agree, (   ) we can go forward with the plans.

4. Peter knows more about the opera (   ) Margaret does.

5. Your actions were heroic (   ), but things have changed now.

6. The truck is more expensive (   ) the car.

7. (   ) condensation occurs and forms dew.

8. First the siren goes off; (   ) the second alarm sounds.

9. The physics exam will be more difficult (   ) the biology exam.

10. Back (   ), gasoline was selling for $3.00 a gallon.


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Margaret L. Benner

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