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Prepositional Phrases - Exercise 5

Directions:  Locate the prepositional phrases in each sentence, and then write the phrases in the spaces provided beneath each sentence.  When you have completed the exercise, click on the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

1.  After a day at the races, I usually go to a restaurant near 67th Street.

2.  The expensive vase in the antique store was broken by a child with bad behavior.

3.  When we go to the mall during this holiday season, stores will be crowded with holiday shoppers looking for bargains.

4.  Until today nobody knew that Harry was your long lost brother from Mexico.

5.  Unfortunately, I will be without a car for a long period of time.

6.  Please place the assignment on top of my desk before noon on Thurday.

7.  Like his first novel, Hal's second novel about two fishermen from Maine sold a million copies in two days.

8. On Saturday, we will cut the tree near the garage and use the wood for firewood.

9.  Without my suitcase in my hand, I walked sadly to the bus station between 46th Street and 2nd Avenue.

10.  All of us from Dr. Blank's class stood under the steps near the chemistry building during he break between classes.



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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