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Prepositional Phrases - Exercise 1

Directions:  Locate the prepositional phrases in each sentence, and then write the phrases in the spaces provided beneath each sentence.  When you have completed the exercise, click on the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

1.  After twenty minutes, the books near the table by the door fell into a heap onto the floor.

2.  Before the sun rose on the horizon, she saw a ray of light through the opening in the mine shaft.

3.  The workers at Minny's hat shop ate in the employee cafeteria over the main store.

4.  What do you think about my recent purchases from Bloomberg's?

5.  Between you and me,  no one except Ralph has been in touch since yesterday.

6.  During the month of January, the ice beneath the new layer of snow was especially treacherous.

7.  The instructions must be followed throughout the semester without exception.

8.  I gave the same speech to everyone within a five-mile radius of the accident.

9.  Across the river you will see a small house on the corner after 51st Street.

10.  She sat under the tarp and hoped for an end to the rain.



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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