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Its / It's - Exercise 5

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. This office building was named after (   ) architect.

2. (   ) been too long since we have seen each other.

3. The gravestone had been knocked on (   ) side.

4. The school received (   ) first accreditation last year.

5. (   ) time to plough the field for spring planting.

6. The foreman said that (   ) all right to walk under the new arch now.

7. Before I could fix the cable, the computer lost (   ) connection to the Internet.

8. Pedro looked up at the ridge and calculated (   ) height.

9. The door to the kitchen fell off (   ) hinges.

10. Jan said that (   ) been over a year since she's been to the dentist.


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Margaret L. Benner

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