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Infinitives - Exercise 2

Directions: Locate the infinitive phrase in each sentence. Identify each as adverbial, adjectival, or nominal.
Type the entire infinitive phrase and its function into the box below the sentence. When you are finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

Example: Bill opened the door to let me into the room.
Answer: to let me into the room, adverbial

1.  The governor's plan to fix the budget only made problems worse.

2.  Nothing is left but to pick up the pieces and go on.

3.  My grandmother's attempt to skateboard ended in disaster.

4.  We began to suspect our neighbors of vandalism.

5.  Malcolm struggled hard to free himself.

6.  He tried to make picnic lunches for the team.

7.  FEMA has come to clear away the debris from the storm.

8.  We all have the right to give voice to our opinions.

9.  To get more votes, I called everyone I knew.

10.  Your attempts to hurt my feelings have been unsuccessful.



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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