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Infinitives - Exercise 1

Directions: Locate the infinitive phrase in each sentence. Identify each as adverbial, adjectival, or nominal.
Type the entire infinitive phrase and its function into the box below the sentence. When you are finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

Example: Bill opened the door to let me into the room.
Answer: to let me into the room, adverbial

1.  Because he loved French, Pierre refused to speak any other language.

2.  The most important thing to do is not always obvious.

3.  To keep the passageways clear, they blocked the pedestrian traffic.

4.  The student had four questions to ask the instructor after class.

5.  To do well in that class, you must spend hours in the library.

6.  To do well in that class is my primary goal this semester.

7.  Hemingway reeled the fish in slowly to keep it securely on the line.

8.  We finally found the best actor to play that difficult role.

9.  Jones is attempting to eat forty-five hot dogs.

10.  The salesperson altered his pitch to suit each potential buyer.



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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