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Imply / Infer - Exercise 1

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. I did not mean to (   ) to you that I don't trust you.

2. From the look on your face, we are (   ) that you don't trust us.

3. Jim (   ) that the work would be difficult when he explained it to us.

4. Does your silence (   ) that you agree?

5. Imogene's reaction was to (   ) that Bill wanted her to get started right away.

6. What do you expect me to (   ) from your tone of voice?

7. Based upon all of the facts presented to them, the students (   ) that the experiment was a success.

8. Her hearty laugh (   ) total agreement with the directive.

9. Phil did not (   ) anything from Joe's remarks.

10. Did my words make you (   ) that I no longer love you?


For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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