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Gerunds - Exercise 2

Directions:  Locate the gerund in each sentence.  Type your answer into the box below the sentence. When you are finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

Note: If the gerund is part of a gerund phrase, include the whole phrase in your answer.

1.  Running away was a mistake.

2.  My friends give me affection without requiring anything from me.

3.  Charging too much for his services was the cause of his downfall.

4.  Max's favorite pastime was lying around in a hammock.

5.  The zoo keepers hated cleaning the cages.

6.  Marty earns lots of money by selling insurance policies.

7.  I do not anticipate having much time for a vacation this summer.

8.  The boys were punished for setting fire to the cat's tail.

9.  Cleaning your computer screen should be done carefully.

10.  Last winter, Norman gave skiing a try.



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Margaret L. Benner

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