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Gerunds - Exercise 1

Directions:  Locate the gerund in each sentence.  Type your answer into the box below the sentence. When you are finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

Note: If the gerund is part of a gerund phrase, include the whole phrase in your answer.

1.  Hours of editing the newspaper ruined her day.

2.  Hanging the pictures on the wall was more difficult than we had anticipated.

3.  Try to slip away without telling your friends about it.

4.  Each afternoon Miriam enjoyed swimming a few laps.

5.  Winning at poker makes Don feel important.

6.  I am demoting the officer for disobeying orders.

7.  One of my favorite events is canoeing down the Mississippi River.

8.  Sometimes wisdom simply means knowing about the importance of silence.

9.  Without studying for the test, you are taking a big chance.

10.  Abbey is enjoying listening to the Rolling Stones' music.



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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