Idioms - Exercise 15
Directions: In each of the following sentences, a common expression - an idiom - can replace the word or phrase in parentheses. In the blank below each sentence, write the idiom defined by the word or phrase in the parentheses.
When you are finished, click the "Chech My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. Choose from the following expressions.
change one’s mind count on get rid of go around
lay off look into make a living pass out
take care of talk over turn down wait on
1. I could not drive on that street because a fallen tree was (an obstacle).
2. At the top of this form, please (complete in writing) your name and address.
3. Annie has not (had communication with) her brother for months.
4. Molly's room was clean, and all her toys had been (put in their proper places).
5. My neighbor (assumed responsibility) for watering my garden while I was sick.
6. Please remember to (inactivate) the lights when you leave.
7. When John (returned) from work, he was very tired.
8. Teachers sometimes (confuse) my sister and me because we look alike.
9. He offered to (escort) Amy to dinner.
10. I will (watch over) our bicycles while you go into the store.