Idioms - Exercise 2
Directions: In each of the following sentences, a common expression - an idiom - can replace the word or phrase in parentheses. In the blank below each sentence, write the idiom defined by the word or phrase in the parentheses.
When you are finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. Choose from the following expressions.
ask out at least be hard on break down call off
catch on do a favor in the meantime keep in mind
out of one’s mind over and over without question
1. If the car (ceases to function,) we will walk to a gas station.
2. We couldn't eat dessert, but (in the minimum) we enjoyed dinner.
3. Bill baked the fish for twenty minutes; (during the same time,) he read a book.
4. I practiced singing this song (repeatedly) to remember the words.
5. His strange ideas made me think he might be (insane).
6. (Unquestionably,) he is the most talented dancer in our class.
7. John (invited) Amber (to go on a date) to see a movie.
8. Amber (treats herself harshly) when she does not do well in school.
9. You must (not forget) that making mistakes is part of learning.
10. If the storm doesn't end, we will have to (cancel) our fishing trip.