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Credible / Creditable / Credulous - Exercise 2

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. My (     ) five-year-old thinks that a monster could actually be sleeping under his bed.

2. The (     ) valedictorian delivered an inspiring speech to the graduating class.

3. People who are (     ) believe outlandish stories, even when the evidence suggests otherwise.

4. Compulsive liars are often very (     ) because they are so well practiced at lying.

5. My hairdresser's twenty years of experience make her a (     ) source for fashion information.

6. A new sailor is often (     ) when veterans tell sea stories that have been passed down for generations.

7. The volunteers have done a (     ) job as they have rebuilt houses destroyed by the hurricane.

8. After seeing their coach's (     ) farewell speech last night on ESPN, I cannot believe the rumors that he is leaving only for lack of money.

9. Are you so (     ) that you believed the world was actually going to end at Y2K?

10. I would like to toast your (     ) efforts during the construction of this museum.


For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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