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Connote / Denote - Exercise 1

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. Hollywood (   ) romance and glittering success.

2. When politicians answer questions, hesitation may (   ) weakness or ignorance on a topic.

3. A flashing yellow light on a highway (   ) caution.

4. The term skinny has a negative (   ) while "slender" has a positive one.

5. Fuel (   ) a substance burned to produce heat or power.

6. To some, the word school (   ) confinement, but it may suggest intellectual excitement or sociability to others.

7. The (   ) meanings of words are usually neutral.

8. Both cheap and inexpensive (   ) something that has a low price.

9. The word beach (   ) a sandy shore.

10. Because the (   ) of pushy and assertive are quite different, the two words are not interchangeable.


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Margaret L. Benner

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