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Beside / Besides - Exercise 2

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. Sitting (   ) his girlfriend, Michael could not have been any happier.

2. (   ) arm wrestling, I have never physically tried to overpower someone.

3. I always try to sit (   ) my best friend at lunch.

4. Has there ever been a president with Polio (   ) Roosevelt?

5. None of Barney's friends, (   ) Andy, would listen to his horrendous vocal performances.

6. If style is the ticket into the club, no one in this group (   ) my brother has the slightest chance.

7. Tina reads poetry and drama (   ) graphic novels.

8. I wonder how many professors (   ) Dr. Smith believe that tuition is too low?

9. John was (   ) himself in anticipation for the county wrestling match.

10. Does all chocolate, (   ) Tootsie Rolls, have enormous amounts of fat?


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Margaret L. Benner

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