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Fragments - Exercise 2

Some of the following word groups are fragments while others are simple sentences. Revise any fragment to make a complete sentence. If the word group is a simple sentence, write "correct" in the text box. When you have finished, click the "Check My Work" button to view the correct answers.

NOTE: No capital letters or end punctuation marks have been used. Use subject-predicate units and complete thoughts to determine your answers.

1.  please put the newspapers into the recycling bin

2.  when we drove to the new neighborhood

3.  the doctor advising the patient

4.  have you seen the new movie about the Titanic

5.  if the powder turns red

6.  before the sun rises

7.  the people giving Tom a graduation party

8.  she rarely speaks to anyone

9.  while the cake was baking

10.  on the table by the old red chair



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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