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Authoritarian / Authoritative - Exercise 2

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. The chemical engineer is an (   ) source in his field of science.

2. My dad is (   ) in vocal performance, piano, and violin.

3. The (   ) marching band director led the band members through all kinds of violent weather conditions with no breaks for several hours.

4. If Uncle Bill doesn’t lighten up on his son’s punishments, he could be accused of being (   ) .

5. My (   ) accountant discovered that I could have been saving over a thousand dollars by itemizing my taxes.

6. An (   ) coach might try to control the players on and off the field for the sake of power.

7. Judy might not look (   ) in mountain climbing, but she has been to the top of Everest and back.

8. The class looked at their (   ) drill instructor and glared with a hate that could not be vocalized.

9. When Victoria swam across the channel, she became (   ) in long distance swimming.

10. During the first week of camp, the campers saw their (   ) counselor shouting at children until they cried.


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Margaret L. Benner

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