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Answer Key

Subject - Verb Agreement - Exercise 1

1. The correct answer is come.

Emily and Greg (comes, come) to my house every Friday for lunch.

Refer to Rule #3 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

2. The correct answer is is.

There (is, are) time to watch the movie .

Refer to Rule #5 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

3. The correct answer is want.

My friends who are in the band (wants, want) me to play a musical instrument.

Refer to Rule #1 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

4. The correct answer is are.

My father or my brothers (is, are) coming with me to play a musical instrument.

Refer to Rule #4 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

5. The correct answer is needs.

Everyone (needs, need) time to relax.

Refer to Rule #2 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

6. The correct answer is looks.

That bag of oranges (looks, look) fresh.

Refer to Rule #1 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

7. The correct answer is hopes.

The lacrosse team (hopes, hope) to the tournament next week.

Refer to Rule #6 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

8. The correct answer is need.

Your trousers (needs, need) to be cleaned.

Refer to Rule #8 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

9. The correct answer is are.

Some of the books on the shelf (is, are) dusty.

Refer to Rule #2 and Rule #1 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:

10. The correct answer is think.

Even though the students like the class, a few (thinks, think) that it is too complicated.

Refer to Rule #2 on the subject-verb agreement page.

Your Answer:



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Margaret L. Benner

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