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Allusion/ Illusion/ Delusion - Exercise 2

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. A magician's strategy is often called a/an optical (     ) to the work at hand.

2. My professor made a/an (     ) to the Biblical character Cain in his lecture today.

3. How much longer is this (     ) regarding your baseball skill level going to last?

4. Susan's interest in Ryan has been a/an (     ) in order to get his help on the class project.

5. If I make a/an (     ) to the late President Kennedy, do you the audience will understand my point?

6. Mom seems to have an unintentional (     ) as to how ornery her son has become.

7. If Johnny tries give the (     ) of being a perfect student, I will make sure that all the teachers know his true colors.

8. Mel Gibson casually gave a/an (     ) to his upcoming drama sequel.

9. Either Grandma is under the (     ) that garbage men smell like roses, or she just likes to invite strange men for breakfast.

10. I don't think that Uncle Bob meant to give the (    ) that his fish were fresh, but we sure found out quickly.


For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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