Distinguishing between Adverbials, Adjectivals, and Nominals - Exercise 4
Directions: Each
sentence contains an underlined
item. In the box below each sentence, identify the item as an adjectival, adverbial or nominal. Then identify it as clause or
phrase. If it is a phrase, identify it as
a prepositional or verbal phrase. If it is a verbal phrase, identify
it as a present participle, past
participle, gerund or infinitive. When you are
finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to
check your answers.
Example: The crowd clapped for the actor portraying King Lear.
Answer: adjectival, verbal phrase, present participle
1. We never discovered where the story started.
2. You will find the words to memorize on page four.
3. Most children enjoy visiting the zoo.
4. To free herself, the prisoner grappled with the ropes around her wrists.
5. Jim will not go without getting his father's permission.
6. The strong scent of roses filled the air.
7. When you have read the entire novel, you will see what I mean.
8. Keeping a low profile allowed Joe to get much more work done.
9. A brand new car is what you will win.
10. We began to suspect the neighbor's children.
11. The room was filled with people who spoke in low tones.
12. The instructor carefully read the notes taken by her students.
13. Our landscaping company planted the tree on the wrong day.
14. Fran and Marshal, looking very weary, sat on the bench near the door.
15. Miriam doesn't really care about how things run most smoothly here.
16. My only hope is to make a quick gataway.
17. Jack knew exactly what he wanted.
18. Leaves of many colors were falling from the trees.
19. Nobody answered the door because nobody was home.
20. Hillary always rode the subway to get to work.