Distinguishing between Adverbials and
Adjectivals - Exercise 3
Directions: Each
sentence contains an underlined
item. In the box below each sentence, identify the item as an adjectival or adverbial. Then identify it as clause or
phrase. If it is a phrase, identify it as
a prepositional or verbal phrase. If it is a verbal phrase, identify
it as a present participle, past
participle, or infinitive. When you are
finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to
check your answers.
Example: The crowd clapped for the actor portraying King Lear.
Answer: adjectival, verbal phrase, present participle
1. The house on the corner is for sale.
2. The portrait that the painter created looked just like Mary.
3. Mary studied all night to pass the test.
4. Under the tree, Marianne found a man's gold watch.
5. When the snow gets too heavy, we stay indoors.
6. The road leading to the lake was closed because of the storm.
7. To raise a turkey kindly, a farmer should give it access to a field.
8. The tired child fell asleep in her father's arms.
9. This is not the best time to ask for a raise.
10. Nobody will be home until 4 p.m.
11. Susan would babysit if the children were well behaved.
12. The area near the fireplace is the warmest place in the house.
13. Jason's attempt to climb Mount Rushmore was a dismal failure.
14. Blinded by the intense light, Bob could not see anymore.
15. The teacher lives on Lowe's Lane, which is located in the north part of the city.
16. After the grass grows for a month, it will clog the mowers.
17. We will need twelve folding chairs for the three tables.
18. After a light lunch, Harold usually goes for a walk.
19. Jack Roberts, whom the police could not catch, had robbed three banks.
20. The poor actor was frightened by the two tiny mice scampering across the stage.