Avoiding Fragments - Exercise 4
Directions:For each sentence below, tell whether the underlined group of words contains a subject and predicate,
or whether it is just a phrase. Indicate your answers by selecting S&P (S and P) for subject and predicate, or by writing phrase.
When you have completed the exercise, check your answers on the answer key by clicking on the "Check My Work" button. Read and follow the instructions listed on the answer page.
Read and follow the instructions listed on the answer page.
1. Looking around the room, Marcia shouted out the good news about the treaty.
2. Free tickets were given to every person in line by 6:00 a.m.
3. Occasionally Marion prefers cigars to cigarettes.
4. Instead of relying on the draft, some countries use a lottery system for determining military service.
5. After all those hours of hard work, will you finally be finished?
6. In spite of our ineptness, we generally enjoy outdoor sports.
7. In the distance we could hear loud cries for help.
8. He played the tuba, drumming his fingers lightly against the keys.
9. The poor old woman was begging for money for food.
10. Most contestants needing encouragement are dropped from the show.