January 2016
President Schatzel Arrives with Snow
Monday, January 25th was supposed to be Kim Schatzel, Ph.D.'s first day in the office as Towson University’s new president. Then snow happened -- the type of winter storm she was undoubtedly accustomed to in Michigan but probably wasn’t expecting some 500 miles away here in Maryland. So earlier this week, as 30 inches of snow blanketed Towson and the region, Schatzel was out and about, assessing conditions firsthand, talking with maintenance crews and TU police, and conferring with her top staff about when it would be safe to allow students to move in and start classes. Read More >
New Science Building included in Governor’s Capital Budget
Towson University has been included in Governor Larry Hogan’s just-released budget of $162.8 million in funding for a new Fisher College of Science and Mathematics building. The release of this budget is the starting point for Maryland lawmakers, which provides planning and building funds to start in fiscal year 2017. If fully approved by the legislature, the funding for the building will continue through fiscal year 2020. The new 316,000 square foot building will help fill the need for more STEM majors and graduates in Maryland and show Towson is a leader in these efforts for the state. The institution now focuses on receiving funding for a new Health Professions building to continue fulfilling Maryland’s STEM needs. Read more >
Community Pledge Reinforces Good Neighbor Relations
The University continues to strive to make strong connections within the local community and is committed to serving our greater community through our academic mission and the expertise of our faculty, staff and students. By creating a welcoming environment with our numerous academic, athletics, arts and community engagement opportunities throughout the year, we want our neighbors to consider the campus both a destination and a hub. Read more > |
Who Should I Call?
General Inquiries
Office of the President
Disorderly Behavior
Student LIFE line - Office of Civility Education and Student Conduct
410-704-LIFE* (5433)
Campus Safety
Towson University Police
Emergency Call 911
Non-Emergency 410-704-4444
Related Links
Points of Pride
As the State Theater of Maryland goes under renovations, Center Stage will be using Towson’s Center for the Arts for performances. The two productions “As You Like It” and “Detroit ‘67” will be playing throughout the Spring semester. This will create many opportunities for Towson theatre art students to participate in rehearsals, performances, workshops, class visits and technical productions for these shows.