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Verb Expansion Rule - Post Test


To see how well you have learned the Verb Expansion Rule, do the POST TEST below. There is no checklist of answers for the POST TEST.  Instead, you should have your responses checked by the Writing Support Program office.  

Link to Printable Post Test

Directions: This exercise contains items that use some or all of the Verb Expansion Rule. 

For Part I:   Put each verb string into its verb form using the subject provided.  Write your answers in the space provided next to each subject.  

For Part II:  Write out the verb string formula for each verb given.  Write your answers in the space provided next to each verb.

You must print out a copy of this original page to complete the Post Test. Make your corrections right on the text; then bring your completed Post Test to the Writing Support Program office for evaluation and review so that you can take the final test in the office.

Part I:

1.  past + have + -en + lift = the bodybuilders __________________________

2.  past + will + have + -en + be + -ing + go = we all _____________________

3.  pres + be + -ing + be + -en + bring = some supplies __________________

4.  past + shall + have + -en + + be + -en + choose = the best candidate __________________

5.  past + be + -ing + be + -en + sell = the goods l _____________________________

6.  pres + will + be + -en + write = the paper ___________________________

7.  past + have + -en + be + -ing + snore = my husband __________________________

8.  past + can + be + -ing + be + -en + teach = the class ___________________________ 

9.  pres + have + -en + be + -ing  + see = Joe ____________________________

10. past + may + have + -en + be + -ing + plan = the prisoners _______________________

Part II

11.  may have become = _________________________________________

12.  has been talking = ___________________________________________

13.  would have been told = ________________________________________

14.  had been being given = _______________________________________

15.  has had = __________________________________________________

16.  will be elected = _____________________________________________

17.  might have seen = ___________________________________________

18.  have been ordering = _________________________________________

19.  should be typed = ____________________________________________

20.  has been being = ____________________________________________


To reach the Writing Support Program, contact

Margaret L. Benner
Director, Writing Support Program
English Department
Towson University 


Copyright © 2006   Margaret L. Benner  . All rights reserved.

For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

copyright  ©2011 Towson University, Writing Support Program. All rights reserved.