TU Osher News & Notes

Just Right

If you like rain, this is the week for you. There is a chance of rain just about every day. Nowadays, it’s tough to know what kind of weather to expect based on the month or the season. One day it’s time to pull out the flip flops and shorts. The next day, you’re glad you didn’t pack up your parka just yet. There are plenty of times when you might start out wearing a winter coat and by the end of the day, it’s too much. There are those of us who, despite dressing in layers, cannot find that perfect Goldilocks temperature. It’s either too hot or too cold. I sit in my office with the heater on and then suddenly, like a frog in boiling water, I realize that it’s become way too hot. I turn off the heater and within an instant, it’s too cold. I sleep with a fan on, but I need that blanket too. As we transition from April showers to May flowers, the perfect temperature will arrive. I will pay attention and I will savor it. It will soon be replaced by the tug-of-war between unimaginable humidity and frigid air conditioning. But for that fleeting moment, I will have a good hair day sans frizz and life will be perfect.

Stay safe and healthy,

image name

Tracy Jacobs


Making It Up as You Go: The Importance of Improv

Thursday, April 11
Towson University—University Union
5:30–6:30 p.m.: Happy Hour Reception
6:30–8:00 p.m.: Moderated Discussion
$20/per person (includes parking and reception)

Join other Osher members and members of the community for this “edutainment” event. Steven Gimbel and Michelle Faulkner-Forson pull back the curtain to show us how improvisation has become not just an entertaining comedic form, but a requirement for adapting to the curves everyday life throws at us. Get insight into the tenets, the philosophy, and the history of improv comedy while also having a good laugh. This event promises both levity and learning as the conversation homes in on what makes us laugh and why. Enjoy a special appearance from Towson University’s own improv comedy group, ImprompTU. Kick back and enjoy!

New hub for humanity and tolerance opens at TU

On March 28, TU officially opened the Sandra R. Berman Center for Humanity, Tolerance and Holocaust Education (Berman Center). Founding director Hana Bor was excited to launch this new space with TU President Mark Ginsberg and colleagues from around the TU community in attendance.

“I am so proud to see the center officially open-the only Holocaust education center in Maryland,” says Bor, who held the Peggy Meyerhoff Pearlstone Professorship previously that helped develop Holocaust studies at TU. “It will help educate people of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds about the importance of learning the history and the lessons of the Holocaust and about the danger and destructive powers of racism, antisemitism, hate and bigotry.”


Helping others is a great way to give back to causes that are important to you. Studies show that as a volunteer, you benefit by increasing your happiness and sense of connection which in turn can improve your mental and physical health.

We want to give a huge THANK YOU to our Osher volunteers! Thank you to members who donate their time on different committees and as facilitators for book clubs and other interest groups.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering at Osher, contact Jessica Tye at jtye@towson.edu We are seeking volunteers to participate on the curriculum, day trips, membership engagement, and classroom facilitation committees. As an Osher volunteer, you will be making a great impact on our program's success!


Give to Osher at Towson University

Support Osher at Towson University. Your tax-deductible contribution helps to provide a rich experience for our members and a vibrant, affordable program for years to come.

Donate online through the link below. If you prefer to donate by check, please make check payable to “Towson University Foundation, Inc.” and note Osher fund in the memo line. Mail to: Towson University Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 17165, Baltimore, MD 21297-0219.

If you would like to honor a friend or loved one with a donation in their memory, please consider supporting Osher at Towson University with a gift to the Osher Excellence Fund.

In Memoriam


In this section of our newsletter, we remember Osher members that have passed away recently. While we work hard to provide accurate updates, please let us know if you are aware of an Osher friend’s passing by contacting osher@towson.edu.


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Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson MD 21252

osher@towson.edu | 410-704-3535

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