TU Osher News & Notes

Music you can't dance to

There is a car alarm going off outside my office. It’s been going off for over half an hour which puts it into the “incessant” category for me. I am telling you this, because patient as I am (and I can be very patient), this car alarm may be the end of me. It’s not a harmonious car alarm either. The honks are erratically spaced and just when I think it’s stopped, there it goes again. Is nobody else hearing it? Where is the car’s owner? Was someone trying to break into the car but once the alarm sounded, they backed off? Let me just say that this car alarm does not have a beat you can dance to. I’m no expert on music theory, but this is atonal at best. So, here I am, minding my own beeswax and writing this newsletter intro. That’s precisely when the car alarm started and now my concentration is blown. Is there something wrong with this car alarm, I wonder? Is there something wrong with the car? Is it a lemon? Is the car alarm a lemon? In any event, I try to make lemonade out of lemons and thus, I am writing about the car alarm. I know that one day the car alarm will stop and my sanity will be restored. Speaking of lemonade, what could be more refreshing on a hot summer day? The Osher Summer Lecture Series and the Summer Osher Online courses, that’s what! Thank you for a great spring semester. We hope to see you this summer too!

Stay safe and healthy,

image name

Tracy Jacobs

Summer 2024 Lecture Series

Our summer lecture series is open to both Osher members and non-members. It’s a terrific way to introduce a friend to Osher! Each lecture is about an hour and a half long. Unless otherwise noted on the schedule, lectures will take place in the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Building at Towson University. Parking in the adjacent Towsontown Garage is included. Registrants will receive directions and parking information before the program starts on June 5.

The flat rate for the entire Summer Lecture Series is $75 per person.

  • The History of the Port of Baltimore with Jack Burkert
  • Christian Nationalism, the Capitol Riot, and the Growing Threat to American Pluralism with Matthew Taylor
  • The Captain, “Pop” Warner, and the Carlisle Indian School with Jacqui Hedberg
  • Indigenous Americans in Statuary Hall with Jacqui Hedberg
  • Located at Edenwald: History of Ekphrastic Poetry with Michael Salcman
  • Online Only: Taking a Bite Out of Pop Culture: 50 Years of “Jaws” with Arnold Blumberg
  • Effects of a Changing Climate on Public Health with Michael Allen
  • South Africa from a Rural Perspective with David Berger
  • The Bollywood Industry: History and Current Trends with Enakshi R

Osher Online Courses—Summer 2024

Through a special collaboration with the Osher National Resource Center at Northwestern University, we are offering 6-week online courses. These courses meet via Zoom and each is 90 minutes long. Space is limited, so register early. Each course is $80. Osher membership is required. Join or renew now for the 2024–2025 membership year (July 1, 2024–June 30, 2025).

The deadline to register is June 21.

  • Mondays at 1 p.m. starting July 8: Bugs and Their Bizarre Biology
  • Tuesdays at 1 p.m. starting July 9: The Great Films: From the 1920s to the 19060s
  • Tuesdays at 7 p.m. starting July 9: Women Psychoanalysts: Stories and Theories
  • Wednesdays at 1 p.m. starting July 10: An Introduction to the National Park System
  • Thursdays at 1 p.m. starting July 11: James Baldwin: Speaking to Us at 100
  • Saturdays at 11 a.m. starting July 13: The World’s Fascination with the Automobile

TU-led research supports Maryland's new Susquehanna River Rail Bridge Project

TU-led research on the Northern Map Turtle will support an environmental study for the Susquehanna River Rail Bridge Project in Maryland's Harford and Cecil counties. Given TU's extensive research and conservation efforts for the Northern Map Turtle since 2008, engineering firms in charge of environmental compliance on this project reached out to TU for support.


Give to Osher at Towson University

Support Osher at Towson University. Your tax-deductible contribution helps to provide a rich experience for our members and a vibrant, affordable program for years to come.

Donate online through the link below. If you prefer to donate by check, please make check payable to “Towson University Foundation, Inc.” and note Osher fund in the memo line. Mail to: Towson University Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 17165, Baltimore, MD 21297-0219.

If you would like to honor a friend or loved one with a donation in their memory, please consider supporting Osher at Towson University with a gift to the Osher Excellence Fund.


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Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson MD 21252

osher@towson.edu | 410-704-3535

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